PUNK PANTS radās ,protams, pateicoties manam mazajam ziķerim. Veikalu piedāvājums puišiem ir gaužām niecīgs un neintereisants, tādēļ izlēmu pati ķerties pie lietas.Un tā tapa bikses ar zemo stakli un dažādiem aksesuāriem- ķēdes, piekariņi un neatņemama sastāvdaļa ir amizantais tauriņš. Un vēl svarīga detaļa ir katrās biksēs iešūts ir Latvijas karodziņš :)
PUNKUS šuju arī meitenēm, un tad var pieskaņot ne tikai tauriņu, bet arī kādu matu stīpu, lentu vai somiņu. PUNKI piestāv visiem un tajos ir ļoti ērti!!! Tieši tādēļ arī mazo klintu vecāki un mani draugi aizvien vairāk sāka uzprasīties uz kādiem PUNKIEM. Tad arī kļuvu vāja un atkāpos no sava teksta, ka šuju tikai bērniem :D
Ir iespēja nopirkt jau gatavās bikses, ko redzat sadaļā Nopērkamie Punk Pants.
 Vai pasūtīt norādod apmēram vēlamo audumu un šādus izmērus: 
 1)jostasvietas apkārtmēru 
(zem nabas) 
2)dupša apkārtmēru 
 3)augšstilba apkārtmēru
  4)ikra apkārtmēru 
  5) un garumu no jostas līdz zemei !!! :)


The idea of PUNK PANTS was born thank to my beloved little man – son Adam. As I am a mother who cares not only about my own fashion and style, but also about my sons clothing, I have been in many, many clothing stores for kids and realized that the offer (especially for boys) is poor and quiet boring, so I decided to change it. So I created pants with low-propitiate and various accessories - chains, pendants and an integral part of it is a funny tie or butterfly.And more important thing – there’s  a Latvian flag, which is sewn in every pants:)
PUNK PANTS are not only for boys, but also for girls, so instead of a tie or a butterfly we can adjust a hair hoop, ribbon or a purse for the little lady. PUNKS look great on everyone and most important – they are very comfortable and this is the reason why often I am asked to make PANTS not only for kids, but also for their parents, so at that point I became weak and decided to make them available for any person.

If you have decided to buy PUNK PANTS, you can choose from the ones which are already posted in this site, look into the section ON SALE, or the other option is to order and specify the fabric and the size of following body parts:
Circumference of:
1) waist  (below the navel)
2) behind/butt
3) thigh
 4) shank (around fibula)
 5) and the length from the belt to the ground! :)